1. Call Meeting To Order/Roll Call:
2. Approval of Minutes:
City Manager Report
Parks and Recreation Board Update
Purchase of Equipment - Public Works Division * Jetter Trailer
Increase Not To Exceed Amount - Resolution No. 2019-R-6732 - Roofing Projects
City Staffing Levels/Table of Organization
City Salaries/Wage Levels
ODOT Consent Legislation - State Route 201 - Resurfacing
MVRPC Grant Application - Bike Path Paving - Thomas Cloud Park
End of Year Legislation - Public Works Division
End of Year Legislation - Various Departments/Divisions
Supplemental Appropriations
City's Financial Forecast
Lexington Place TIF
ZC 19-11 - City Code Amendments - Part Eleven - Signage
Liquor Permit #40357440005 - El Rancho Grande - 7375 Old Troy Pike
Board and Commission Appointments
Items 3Q & 4